Evolve Your Organization

“In business, what’s dangerous is not to evolve.” – Jeff Bezos, Amazon

Delivering high-performance business results – up to two and three times your competitors – has a direct correlation to company culture and behaviors.[1]  Leaders of these organizations create high levels of engagement, environments that support productivity and performance, and a greater sense of well-being and drive at work.

Compare that to studies that show:

  • In 2023, only 33% of our workforce was engaged at work, while 50% were not engaged (“quiet quitting”), and 16% were actively disengaged.[2]
  • People leave people, not companies, and managers actually account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement.[3]

Disengagement is an epidemic and a huge financial cost.  It just makes good business sense to put time and effort into empowering, engaging and enabling your employees.

What does a high-performance culture look like and how do you create it? Read more.

If you are ready to take a hard look at your culture and what components aren’t giving you the empowered, engaged and enabled employees that will double or triple your bottom line, we can help you. We start with a Culture Health Assessment and develop a roadmap to get your team to higher levels of engagement and profitability. We then teach, coach and mentor you and your employees through the customized roadmap. This approach allows your organization to focus on the gaps necessary for achieving the high-performance culture, and be supported through the process. The high-performance culture framework can be applied to a department, an entire organization, or even to help a newer company structure their culture right from the beginning.

Our services include assessments, training and coaching to help evolve your organization:

  • Hiring Process Assessment – how to change your process so you can hire the right people
  • Aligning Corporate Values and Performance Management – high-performance requires actions based on values
  • High Performance Culture Training & Coaching
  • Culture Health Assessments
  • Roadmap to Engagement – customized based on results of the Culture Health Assessment
  • Servant Leadership Style Training & Coaching


[1] Towers Watson research from 2009-2010 of 700 global companies. Identification of 25 high-performance companies and the management levers they pull to perform at 2-3 times higher than their counterparts.

[2] Gallup 2023 Employee Engagement Survey

[3] Gallup State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders